When it’s frigid and blustery outdoors, most people want to stay snuggly warm indoors. This is especially true right now, during winter’s coldest months. Your home’s windows are one safeguard from the chilly temps outside. Be sure to watch for winter window damage so you can protect your home and enjoy the season without being left in the cold.
Thermal stress cracks are caused by abrupt temperature changes, such as extreme cold. That chilly air can create tension with enough force to crack the glass. A tiny crack can often spread across the window, creating a bigger, more visible, and immediate issue.
Blasts of wind from a wicked winter storm can knock tree branches against and occasionally into a window. This can scratch or even break the glass and possibly require an urgent fix to keep the cold air outside where it belongs.
Some materials, especially wood, are prone to warping and bending under intense heat (and humidity) or severe cold. Untreated window frames are put through the wringer in areas with humid summers and frigid winters, both of which are staples in Minnesota. That continuous fluctuation can cause wood to lose its structural integrity, putting your windows and your home at risk.
In wintertime, window locks, handles, hinges, or other hardware elements may be difficult or impossible to operate. This could be due to ice or snow accumulation or from the cold weather freezing things in place or cracking them altogether. You probably don’t plan to open your windows much if at all in the winter, but for safety and security reasons, you don’t want them rendered inoperable, either.
Windows can also freeze shut from ice buildup. Moisture seeps through window edges and hardens once it hits the cold air, freezing the window in place and causing damage to the weather stripping. That creates a snowball effect of moisture escaping and freezing, leading to more ice formation in and around the windows.
Ice can also cause problems when it collects on eaves, gutters, or rooflines. Once those icicles or ice formations become too heavy to hang, they can break off and potentially impair or break any nearby windows. Be sure to keep an eye on what’s happening outside so that it doesn’t come crashing inside.
The cold Minnesota weather can cause all kinds of disturbances and destruction, including window damage. But with the right tools, like high-performance windows from Spotless & Seamless, you can be prepared and protect your home. Our team of certified and trained home exteriors professionals is ready to help you add safety and value to your home. Contact us today to learn about window replacement options.